I have been alone for a week while the kids are with their dad. It has been a good week, a busy week. I have been able to visit with almost all my girlfriends during this time.
Over the last few weeks I have had conversations about how I dealt with the break up of my marriage, and how possibly, can I be friends with my ex?
This is an important question, because I have worked hard to get to this point in my life, where I have no regrets, no anger, no bitterness and I am happy. Despite the fact that I don't have a significant other in my life (I'm ready, different story), I am content.
My ex has moved on and now living with his girlfriend, they seem happy. I have no bad feelings about any of it. He is happy, which in turn means nicer and easier to get along with. She is kind to my children and they really like her. This brings me peace. The alternative could be so bad...
There are things I strongly believe in. One, things absolutely happen for a reason. Two, what you put out into the world, you will get back (karma!!). I think these two beliefs have gotten me through every hard time I have every had to deal with.
My kids bring me joy everyday. They fight everyday. Seems like a crazy reality, as I am sure every parent would agree. When they give you a hug, or say "I love you mommy", all the bad washes away.
So how can I complain about my life. I can't. I do vent, when I need too. I can wish my business made more money, but all in all, I am blessed.