Monday, 26 November 2012

A New Year

Well, I hadn't realized it had been a year since I blogged last. So very much has changed. For one, I realized I do pretty well on my own, single mom thing. I think had have a handle on that!  That being said... It has been a year since finding the most wonderful man, who loves me!  We do not share a house, but he has made my circle complete!

On the work front, I was able to she'd some not so great clients, and have found a client that allows me to be flexible with my sons health.  Let me explain...

My 12 year old son, who is the middle of three, has been sick since 2006.  On July 14th he spiked a fever of 40 degrees that stuck with him for 44 days. He was in the Stollery while they did test after test, blood infusions and ultrasounds trying to find a reason. We left the hospital with a diagnosis of "fever of unknown origin". Frustrating to say the least. Super wonderful care in the hospital, but no answers.  A year of on and off fevers, lasting anywhere from two weeks to 40 days, then the joint pain started.  Jump to now, we are still going through the same cycles. Fever, joint pain, headaches.  The diagnosis is Systemic onset Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  He is now in grade 7. To date this school year he has been to school 11 days. For a kid who loves to learn, loves school (if only my other two could have a little more of that!), this has been difficult for him.

I therefore need someone who will allow me to work from home and care for my son.

For now, life is full. I wish everyday for Evan to get better. Although he is still a loving, sweet and amazing kid!  My Julia and Logan are growing up so fast, Julia in grade 10 and Logan in grade 3, they are such wonderful kids, I am truly blessed.  With my new fella Rob in my life, my circle is complete...

It's a pretty good life...